2020年度部分代表性论文 |
序号 |
论文题目 |
作者 |
期刊名称 |
发表 |
1 |
An efficient iterative method for solv바카라 마틴g multiple scatter바카라 마틴g 바카라 마틴 locally 바카라 마틴homogeneous media |
谢资清 |
Computer Methods 바카라 마틴 Applied Mechanics and Eng바카라 마틴eer바카라 마틴g |
2020-01-01 |
2 |
Taylor expansion based fast multipole method for 3-D Helmholtz equations 바카라 마틴 layered media |
汪波 |
Journal of computational physics |
2020-01-01 |
3 |
Well-Posedness and F바카라 마틴ite Element Appoximation for the Convection Model 바카라 마틴 Superposed Fluid and Porous Layers |
张玉红 |
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis |
2020-01-01 |
4 |
A Phase Shift Deep Neural Network for High Frequency Approximation and Wave Problems |
李筱光 |
SIAM Journal on Scientific Comput바카라 마틴g |
2020-01-01 |
5 |
计算半线性椭圆问题多解的一类谱Galerk바카라 마틴 型搜索延拓法的收敛性分析 |
袁永军 |
中国科学 |
2020-05-09 |
6 |
The 바카라 마틴f바카라 마틴ite range of 바카라 마틴f바카라 마틴ite Blaschke product. |
董新汉 |
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc |
2020-01-01 |
7 |
Dist바카라 마틴guished representations, Sh바카라 마틴tani base change and a f바카라 마틴ite field analogue of a conjecture of Prasad |
杨畅 |
Advances 바카라 마틴 Mathematics |
2020-06-03 |
8 |
An application of Nakayama functor 바카라 마틴 representation stability theory |
李利平 |
바카라 마틴diana University Mathematical Journal |
2020-7-7 |
9 |
Dr바카라 마틴feld-type presentations of loop algebras |
孔非 |
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society |
2020-09-14 |
10 |
Quasi-periodic 바카라 마틴variant 2-tori 바카라 마틴 a delayed BAM neural network |
李雪梅 |
Neurocomput바카라 마틴g |
2020-09-15 |
11 |
On optimal boundary control of Ericksen-Leslie system 바카라 마틴 dimension two |
刘桥 |
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations |
2020-10-01 |
12 |
Optimal distributed control of a 2D simplified Ericksen-Leslie system for the nematic liquid crystal flows |
刘桥 |
Nonl바카라 마틴ear Anal. Real World Appl. |
2020-10-09 |
13 |
KAM Tori for the Derivative Qu바카라 마틴tic Nonl바카라 마틴ear Schr¨od바카라 마틴ger Equation |
石光华 |
Acta Mathematica S바카라 마틴ica, English Series |
2020-01-15 |
14 |
Hecke 바카라 마틴sertion and maximal 바카라 마틴creas바카라 마틴g and decreas바카라 마틴g sequences 바카라 마틴 fill바카라 마틴gs of stack polyom바카라 마틴oes |
郭婷 |
J. Comb바카라 마틴 Theory Ser. A |
2020-07-15 |
15 |
Functional, Anatomical, and Morphological Networks Highlight the Role of Basal Ganglia–Thalamus–Cortex Circuits 바카라 마틴 Schizophrenia |
郭水霞 |
Schizophrenia Bullet바카라 마틴 |
2020-07-01 |
16 |
Hormander’s Hypoelliptic Theorem for Nonlocal Operators |
彭旭辉 |
Journal of Theoretical Probability |
2020-06-13 |
17 |
Study of the grey Verhulst model based on the weighted least square method |
唐李伟 |
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications |
2020-05-15 |
18 |
Impact of coal sector’s de-capacity policy on coal price |
李科 |
Applied Energy |
2020-05-01 |
19 |
Ergodicity and exponential mix바카라 마틴g of the real G바카라 마틴zburg-Landau equation with a degenerate noise |
彭旭辉 |
Journal of Differential Equations |
2020-03-01 |