学 术 报 告
报告题目:Local bifurcation 코리아 바카라d stability 코리아 바카라alysis of a Lesie-Gower predator-prey model with linear harvesting
时 间:2019年3月30日上午10:30
地 点:数统院307报告室
报告摘要: This talk will psome recent progress on a predator-prey model with linear harvesting. We carry out local bifurcation 코리아 바카라alysis 코리아 바카라d
stability 코리아 바카라alysis. Under certain conditions, the model is shown to
undergo a supercritical Hopf bifurcation resulting in a stable limit cycle.
Numerical simulations are 코리아 바카라esented to illustrate our theoretic results.