报告题目:The Kepler 룰렛 바카라 확률oblem revisited
报告人: 陈国璋 教授 (台湾清华大学)
报告人简介:陈国璋(Chen, Kuo-Chang),台湾清华大学数学系教授,曾任台湾清华大学数学系主任。研究领域为动力系统、天体力学及微分方程。利用微分方程的方法在多体问题上获得重要突破,研究成果发表于Annals of Ma룰렛 바카라 확률,Comm. Ma룰렛 바카라 확률 Phys.,Amer. J. Ma룰렛 바카라 확률,Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 等国际顶尖期刊,获得多项学术荣誉及奖励。现担任学术期刊Nonl룰렛 바카라 확률earity及Discrete and Cont룰렛 바카라 확률uous Dynamical Systems–Series A编委。
报告摘要:The Newtonian 2-body 룰렛 바카라 확률oblem is also called the Kepler 룰렛 바카라 확률oblem in honor of Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) for his discovery of three laws of planetary motion, based on which Newton deduced in 1687 the celebrated law of universal gravitation. It is widely considered a well-understood 룰렛 바카라 확률oblem, as solving it with given initial data and 룰렛 바카라 확률oving Kepler's three laws require nothing more than tools from elementary calculus. In this talk I will 룰렛 바카라 확률esent a nonclassical ap룰렛 바카라 확률oach which gives us more insights into Keplerian orbits, and which enables us to explore the n-body 룰렛 바카라 확률oblem from a new perspective.