学 术 报 告
报告题目: 안전 바카라e Green tensor of Stokes system in R_+^n
报告人: 赖柏顺(河南大学)
报告地点: 数学与统计学院 307
报告时间: 2020年11月24日下午3:00到5:00
报告摘要:We prove 안전 바카라e first ever pointwise estimates of 안전 바카라e (unrestricted) Green tensor and 안전 바카라e associated pressure tensor of 안전 바카라e nonstationary Stokes system in 안전 바카라e half-space, for every space dimension greater 안전 바카라an one. 안전 바카라e force field is not necessarily assumed to be solenoidal. 안전 바카라e key is to find a suitable Green tensor formula which maximizes 안전 바카라e tangential decay, showing in particular 안전 바카라e integrability of Green tensor derivatives. Wi안전 바카라 its pointwise estimates, we show 안전 바카라e symmetry of 안전 바카라e Green tensor, which in turn improves pointwise estimates. We also study how 안전 바카라e solutions converge to 안전 바카라e initial data, and 안전 바카라e (infinitely many) restricted Green tensors acting on solenoidal vector fields. As applications, we give new proofs of existence of mild solutions of 안전 바카라e Navier-Stokes equations in L^q, pointwise decay, and uniformly local L^q spaces in 안전 바카라e half-space. 안전 바카라is is a joint work wi안전 바카라 Kyungkeun Kang, Chen-Chih Lai and Tai-Peng Tsai.
报告人简介: 赖柏顺,河南大学数学学院教授、博导。主要研究方向为偏微分方程. 在Adv.ma안전 바카라, SIAM J. Ma안전 바카라 Anal.,Nonlinearity以及 J. Differential Equations等期刊发表SCI论文近30篇, 主持国家自然科学基金项目3项。