
概率系列바카라 루틴배팅(2023/6/3 14:30-15:30,바카라 루틴배팅人:柳振鑫)

发布人:日期:2023年06月02日 17:00浏览数:

바카라 루틴배팅时间2023/6/3 开始时间: 14:3015:30

바카라 루틴배팅地址格物楼数学研究中心528室바카라 루틴배팅厅

바카라 루틴배팅题目Wasserstein convergence rates in the invariance principle for deterministic dynamical systems

바카라 루틴배팅摘要In this talk, we will discuss the convergence rate with respect to Wasserstein distance in the invariance principle for deterministic nonuniformly hyperbolic systems, where both discrete time systems and flows are included. As a nontrivial application to homogenization problem, we investigate the W^2-convergence rate of a fast-slow discrete deterministic system to a stochastic differential equation. This is a joint work

바카라 루틴배팅人简介柳振鑫,大连理工大学数学科学学院教授、院长。主要从事随机动力系统的研究,在随机Conley指标理论、随机动力系统中的回复性和稳定性、Kolmogorov平稳分布极限问题等方面做出系统深入的研究工作。目前已发表学术论文约40篇。2010年获全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖;2015年获得国家优秀青年科学基金资助;2019年获得国家杰出青年科学基金资助;2020年入选辽宁省“百千万人才工程”百层次人选;2022年入选大连市优秀专家。

上一条:호치민 카지노 바카라 optimal dividend strategy

下一条:온라인 카지노 바카라 with the endpoint estimates

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