안전 바카라题目:Quasi-periodic solutions around plane wave of high dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation
报 告 人: 高美娜 教授,上海第二工业大学
안전 바카라时间:2023年11月27日上午10:00-12:30
안전 바카라地点: 线上안전 바카라(腾讯会议号:105-230- 639)
안전 바카라摘要: In this talk, a degenerate KAM theorem with multiple normal frequencies is established under qualitative non-degenerate conditions. As an application, quasi-periodic solutions around plane wave are obtained for high dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation with periodic boundary conditions.
안전 바카라人简介:高美娜,上海第二工业大学教授,现任数理与统计学院副院长。主要从事无穷维KAM理论方面的研究,主持上海市自然科学基金项目、国家自然科学基金项目多项,在无穷维KAM理论及其在偏微分方程的拟周期解方面取得了一些成果。