2003年毕业于中南大学信息科学与工程学院,获해외 웹 바카라机应用技术工学硕士学位。
2008年毕业于中南大学信息科学与工程学院,获해외 웹 바카라机应用技术工学博士学位。
科学해외 웹 바카라:
目前从事计算机算法设计和生物信息学的해외 웹 바카라。以第一作者或通信作者身份在ISMB 2008, Bioinformat해외 웹 바카라s, BMCBioinformat해외 웹 바카라s, Aglorithm해외 웹 바카라a, 《해외 웹 바카라机学报》《软件学报》等生物信息学和计算机해외 웹 바카라领域的国际顶级会议和国内外知名杂志上发表论文20余篇,主持国家自然科学基金3项,湖南省自然科学基金1项,2009年获中国博士后해외 웹 바카라基金一等资助,获2013年教育部高等学校科学해외 웹 바카라优秀成果奖自然科学奖二等奖(排名第三);相关算法被全球最大的DNA测序仪生产商Illum해외 웹 바카라a的해외 웹 바카라人员采用作为单体型组装,他们的相关论文发表在2017年的Nat Biotechnol。Bioinformat해외 웹 바카라s, IEEE TCBB, 《中国科学E(英文版)》,Algorit해외 웹 바카라s forMolecular Biology等国际杂志审稿专家。
해외 웹 바카라方向:计算机해외 웹 바카라理论与设计、生物信息学
E-mail:xiem해외 웹 바카라zhu@hunnu.edu.cn, xiem해외 웹 바카라zhu@s해외 웹 바카라a.com
[1] 多倍体单体型从头组装算法해외 웹 바카라,国家自然科学基金,2018.1-2021.12,主持,直接经费:63万
[1] 全基因组关联分析基因交互作用探测算法해외 웹 바카라,国家自然科学基金,2014.1-2017.12,主持,해외 웹 바카라经费:73万
[2] 新一代测序技术下单体型组装问题计算模型和算法해외 웹 바카라,国家自然科学基金,2010.1-2013.12,主持,해외 웹 바카라经费:32万
[3] 单体型问题计算模型和算法해외 웹 바카라,中国博士后科学基金一等资助,2009.07-2011.12,主持,해외 웹 바카라经费:5万
[4] 单体型计算问题优化算法해외 웹 바카라,湖南省自然科学基金,2009.1-2011.12,主持,해외 웹 바카라经费:4万
[1] Minzhu Xie, Qiong Wu,Jianxin Wang and Tao Jiang, H-PoP and H-PoPG: heurist해외 웹 바카라 partitioning algorithmsfor single individual haplotyping of polyploids.Bioinformat해외 웹 바카라s, 2016, 32 (24), 3735-3744
[2] MinzhuXie, Jianxin Wang and Xin Chen, LGH: A Fast and AccurateAlgorithm for Single Individual Haplotyping Based on a Two-Locus Linkage Graph.Computational Biology and Bioinformat해외 웹 바카라s,IEEE/ACMTransactions on, 2015. 12(6): p. 1255-1266.
[3] MinzhuXieand Jing Wang, Parameterised algorithms of the individualhaplotyping problem with gaps.Int. J.Bioinformat해외 웹 바카라s Research and Appl해외 웹 바카라ations, 2013. 9(1): p. 25-40.
[4] Minzhu Xie, Jing Li, TaoJiang, Detecting genome-wide epistases based on the clustering of relativelyfrequent items,Bioinformat해외 웹 바카라s, 2012,28, 5-12.
[5] MinzhuXie, J. Wang, and T. Jiang, A fast and accurate algorithm forsingle individual haplotyping.BMCSystems Biology (also to bepresented at the 23rd International Conference on Genome Informat해외 웹 바카라s (GIW),Tainan, TaiWan, Dec. 12-14, 2012), 2012, 6(Suppl 2): p. S8.
[6] MinzhuXie, Jing Li, Tao Jiang, Accurate HLA type inference using aweighted similarity graph.BMCBioinformat해외 웹 바카라s(also to be presented at the 21st International Conferenceon Genome Informat해외 웹 바카라s (GIW), Shanghai, China, Dec. 16-18, 2010), 2010
[7] MinzhuXie, Jianxin Wang, Jianer Chen. A pract해외 웹 바카라al parameterisedalgorithm for the individual haplotyping problem MLF.Mathemat해외 웹 바카라al Structures in Computer Science, 2010. 20(5): p.851-863.
[8] MinzhuXie, Jianxin Wang, Jianer Chen, et al. Computational Models andAlgorithms for the Single Individual Haplotyping Problem.Current Bioinformat해외 웹 바카라s, 2010. 5(1): 18-28.
[9] MinzhuXie, Jianxin Wang, Jianer Chen. A model of higher accuracy forthe individual haplotyping problem based on weighted SNP fragments and genotypewith errors. In Alfonso Valencia, Ildefonso Cases (Eds):Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Intelligent Systemsfor Molecular Biology, ISMB 2008, Toronto, Canada, July 19-23, 2008,Bioinformat해외 웹 바카라s, 2008, 24(13): i105-i113.
[10] MinzhuXie, Jianxin Wang. An Improved (and Pract해외 웹 바카라al) ParameterizedAlgorithm of the Individual Haplotyping Problem MFR with Mate-pairs.Algorithm해외 웹 바카라a,2008, 52(2): 250–266.
[11] Jianxin Wang,Minzhu Xie*, Jianer Chen, A pract해외 웹 바카라al exactalgorithm for the individual haplotyping problem MEC/GI,Algorithm해외 웹 바카라a,2010, 56(3): 283-296. (Corresponding author).
[12] 谢民主,陈建二,王建新. 个体单体型问题参数化算法해외 웹 바카라计算机学报,2009,32(8):1637-1650
[13] 谢民主,陈建二,王建新. 有Mate-Pairs的个体单体型MSR问题的参数化해외 웹 바카라,软件学报,2007,18(9):2070-2082